Pantos statistics
Explore stats and facts about the Pantos ecosystem.
Total Pantos locked
Unique addresses
Registered & active assets
Registered & active service nodes
Total fees paid
Completed transfers
Pending transfers
Failed transfers
Historic Asset logs
Find out when and how many assets got registered, deregistered or updated their external_registrations.
Registration status per chain
All time registrations of all assets per chain and their current status. Active but wrong means, that the asset is still active, but corresponding hub or network has changed or does not exist anymore.
Pantos locked per chain
All Pantos locked by assets per chain. Active locked means, locked Pantos by all valid registered and active assets. Wrong locked means, that the asset is still active, but corresponding hub or network has changed or does not exist anymore and the asset was not sucessfully deregistered.
Total Pantos locked by assets
Find out on which chain how many Pantos are currently locked by assets.A total of 5,399,000.00 PAN is currently locked by assets.
Most transferred assets
Shows the assets, which were transferred the most in a given timeframe.